top 10 places to Visit Holy medina

10 Places to Visit in Madinah During Your Umrah Pilgrimage

Madinah, the second holiest place for millions of Muslims around the world, holds special respect due to its cultural heritage and tranquillity. As one of the 10 Places to Visit in Madinah during your umrah, the city is prominently known for Masjid e Nabawi, which was built by Holy Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) – located at the heart of Madinah. Alongside, there are numerous pious sites, historic mosques, and museums.

 When embarking on Madinah during your Umrah, you must wander to explore its famous sites, tombs, shrines, and tourist attractions. Well, in this guide, you will get a profound insight into the top 10 places and what to do in Madinah during your Umrah Pilgrimage.

Masjid Ul Nabawi- The Prophet (PBUH)Mosque

Your tour to Madinah will be incomplete without visiting the second holiest mosque, Masjid Ul Nabawi, located at Madinah’s heart. This mosque is crucial for Muslims as it was built by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Over the years, many modifications have been made which enhance the beauty of this mosque, such as the beautiful green Dome, the two mihrabs, the minarets, and a minibar.

Masjid Ul Nabawi- The Prophet (PBUH)Mosque

Mount Uhud- A Battle Ground

Another historical site in Islam where the battle of Uhud took place coerced the visitors to step up to its top and let their eyes witness the stunning view of all the corners of Madinah. The travel companions and the Uncle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are buried here. Some markets at the top of Mount Uhud allow visitors to shop and enjoy. This beautiful mosque is only 10 km away from Masjid Ul Nabawi.

Mount Uhud- A Battle Ground

Al-Madinah Museum

Discover the history, heritage, and rich culture of Islam at this first and oldest museum of Madinah which holds all the events of the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). You can visit this Museum between Saturday and Thursday. The museum is divided into 14 galleries, and each gallery highlights different sections like history, religion, culture, and art. The ticket price to visit this historical museum is 25 SAR – only 11 km away from Masjid Ul Nabawi.

Al-Medina Museum

The Garden of Hazrat Salman Farsi

It is one the most beautiful religious places to visit in Madinah, where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) planted 300 Date Palms so that he could free Hazrat Salman Farsi from the slavery of his Jewish master. The garden is located near Masjid ul Quba having tons of date palms which adds to its beauty.

The Garden of Hazrat Salman Farsi

The Old Market Madinah

The Old Market Madinah offers visitors to buy plenty of Arabic products, garments, and mates in Islamic designs. The market is located among the major streets of the city. Weekends are the best time to buy vibrant designs and exciting themes. The market is only a 2-3 minutes walk from Masjid Ul Nabawi, set colourfully- giving visitors a festive vibe.

Jannatul Baaqi

Jannatul Baaqi is Madinah’s oldest and largest cemetery, where the family and traveler companions of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) are buried. As’ad Bin Zararah was the first person to be buried here. Visiting the cemetery and praying on Friday is a Virtuous act for Muslims.

Jannatul Baaqi

Masjid Al Qiblatain

One of the famous spectacular sights, Masjid Al-Qiblatain, is very important in the history of Islam as in this mosque, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was ordered to change the Qibla from Masjid Al-Aqsa (Jerusalem) to the Ka’bah (Makkah). It is the only mosque in the world with two mihrabs indicating the direction of prayer. This beautiful mosque, holding historical events, is only 08 km from Masjid Ul Nabawi. The mosque is a treat to the eyes; during your tour of Madinah, let your eyes witness this historical mosque.

Masjid Al Qiblatain

Battle Ground of Badar Site

135 KM away from Madinah, this site holds the record of the biggest battle of Islam in which only 313 Muslims, in the presence of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), defeated 1000 men from the Quraish with the help of Allah Almighty. Take a guide on your Madinah trip and must visit the place to commemorate the battle of Badr.

Battle Ground of Badr Site

Yanbu Beach

Want to indulge in some leisure activities with your family? Yunbu Beach is the best choice, where you can swim, bask in the sunlight, and dine with your family. Only 200 KM away from Madinah, the site is a treat to the eyes, offering multiple recreational activities where you can also go shopping in the modern shopping malls.

Yanbu Beach

The Mount Arafat

The place where Hazrat Adam and Eve reunited on Earth, where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) delivered his last sermon ( known as Khutbat Al-Wada’), is Mount Arafat– situated between Taif and Makkah. On your trip to Madinah, don’t forget to cherish your eyes with this place holding so many historical memories of Islam.

The Mount Arafat


Madinah is a beautiful city where you can not only seek the blessings of Allah Almighty but also make your journey memorable by visiting all historical places. From Masjid ul Nabawi to Mount Uhud and Jannatul Baaqi to Mount Arafat, you have so much to do in Madinah during your Umrah Pilgrimage. If you want to visit all these places and need to learn how to choose transportation to get all the insights into this beautiful city, you must read our comprehensive guide to selecting transportation options.

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